I am pleased to welcome you to the
SCRDA website!
My name is Cheryl Rash, the Vice
President of the SCRDA and.
I am happy to serve this association because it has served us all so well.
Especially in these times of economic uncertainty combined with a downward
spiral in scrap prices due to cheap imported steel it is necessary to have an
organization such as ours on your side.
Just look at these
The association is directly responsible for county
operated tire disposal
being available at no cost to you.
members sat across the table from SC state representatives and
helped write the current salvage bill which is fair to auto recyclers
and insurance companies alike.
As an
association we were able to get lower insurance costs for you
in South Carolina.
We have
employed Capitol Consultants not only as administration for our
group, but also as our eyes and ears in the state house. Letting
us know when pending legislation will affect us as recyclers and
empowering us to make changes or stop negative legislation
completely. In fact, no bill with negative effect to our livelihood
has passed since SCDRA was formed.
If you are a member and have a
concern that you think the SCRDA need
to know about or act upon, please let me or one of the other officers know.
If you arent a member why not
join today. We have are here in your best
interest and you know there is power in numbers.
Help us help you!
Cheryl Rash